zaterdag 27 december 2014

December 21st, 2014.


Received by WV. 

Hello again my friend. I am very pleased to see you seize moments like this, so we can help you clarify the things we talk about and that you have come to see them as opportunities (to grow and progress), not as nuisances; also in the hope others will benefit from them too.

You knew, the moment we started to explain the concept of ’free will’, (some) people would not agree with what we told you; even you were not 100% sure whether you truly believed what we were telling you. It was only when I told you afterwards that this (previous sentence) was the reason you should believe (because what you ’believed’ was not 100% in accordance with what we wrote), that you started to accept it; and then we could transfer a large amount of information to you so you could see the bigger picture behind it.

[Yes, you needed a better opening first so we could pass on that information.]

It is very important to understand there is a big difference between ‘will’ and ‘free will’. Will is what we called the principle of choice in our previous message: it is every possibility, choice and action executable within the scope of love. Free will is the same as will but with the addition of being capable to move outside the laws of love (or the laws of the soul).

What’s also very important to know is: when we speak of love, we speak about much more than what the definition of the word love means. Love is a very broad form of energy made of multiple sub (energy) forms or subcategories. And the definition of love: “having affection for” - as most people use it - is only one of many subcategories. So you see, knowing and understanding the context and definition of the words used by others is an important part of understanding the context and meaning of the whole message. 

Unfortunately, most people (including mediums) do not question that their definition of a word is the same as someone else’s, so they do not grasp the true meaning of what the other (man or spirit) is saying. This is also the reason why spirit messages are so different (in content) but can still be perceived as true (by the medium or others). The receiving person can feel the spirit influence and their love (and therefore conclude it is true) while they do not understand their words might not have the same meaning as the intended meaning or definition.

It is inherent to the human mind to fight all information that might cause its nullification. That is for example the true story behind why ‘666’ is the number of the beast. I can see you’re quite surprised. But let me explain what I mean, because it is completely in sync with the topic we are dealing with.

As you know 'Satan' never existed. But what you (and most others) don’t know is the original (666) story was used to portray the fall of the perfect natural man.

Those who understand anything about numerology know that the number six stands for harmony. Well then, number three refers to the existence of life as we know it: body, mind and soul. So 3 times 6 (or 666) means having harmony in body, mind and soul; thus, having the state of the perfect natural man. And it is, by no means, coincidence the sphere of the perfect natural man is the sixth one; the sphere of harmony.

So, in the original story, 'Satan' was not an angel but a perfect natural man who lost the state he was in by using his free will (his mind). He made choices (not in tune with the laws of the soul) that blocked the flow of love (to his soul) so the harmony (he was in) started to dissipate. Sounds familiar? The more harmony was lacking, the more the mind took over; and harmony became its worst enemy; because the mind loved the (unlimited) power and control it had. So every time the mind comes in contact with something (or someone) trying to re-establish harmony (hence it will lose some of its power and control) the mind (or the beast) retaliates, trying to keep the power on its side. 

So you see, 666 is the number of the beast (or the mind); considering harmony of the body, mind and soul will lead to less power and control; the beast within (ourselves and others) will be summoned, trying to block us (and others) from finding and re-creating harmony. Since finding and re-establishing that harmony would result in less power and control over our own minds and that of others which would not be a good thing for the mind.

Now, besides giving you the true meaning behind the story of the number of the beast, we also wanted to use it to explain the message of free will in a different way. As you know we have already explained numerous times that 'Satan' (or 'Lucifer') does not exist. Furthermore we already explained (also through Mr. Padgett) it wouldn’t be possible for someone to become an angel and then all of a sudden decide to become mean and vicious again and leave the heavens he/she is in.

Well, the reason for that is because of the difference between will and free will. Free will - the ability to choose not to live according to the laws of love (or the soul laws) – is the reason why it is possible for the perfect natural man (and everybody beneath that level) to become less loving again. Especially in the physical, where the power of free will is strongest and the effects are not that outspoken (or felt) as in the spirit world. But, quite to your surprise, it is also the case within the spirit world. So, yes, it would be possible (theoretically) for someone within the spirit world to regress. 

(Oh boy.)

[Laughs.] I understand your reaction.

(I can already imagine how some are going to react to this. LOL.)

[Laughs again.] So, why do I say theoretically? Because the reactions (or the effects) within the spirit world are so direct and outspoken that those who have experienced a more advanced way of living will not want to go back to a less loving way of living. Only those who are in bad shape will often remain there longer as needed because they choose to keep on using their free will to keep on living the unloving way they are used to (by laughing at others, trying to instigate others to do bad things, etc.).

But the proof of the ability of the spirit to regress can be found in stories like; the story about the inheritance of the flaws of the parents and grandparents and in the story about the regression of the first parents: Aman and Amon or in the story of the number of the beast, as we just explained it to you. Because all souls incarnate in their pristine state or condition but almost none can retain that state. And when the regression in the physical takes place, the regression in the spirit is also a fact considering they are in sync. Otherwise the man who lived an unloving life would find himself in the sixth sphere after leaving his physical life; which isn’t the case at all.

When you look at what I said in the beginning - that no angel has ever fallen out of heaven or regressed back to the lower spheres - you should come to understand why this would never (ever) be possible: because once one enters the celestial (or soul) spheres, the possibility to choose or act outside the scope of (the energy we call) love, is no longer possible. Meaning: free will (as we know it) no longer exists, since it has served its purpose and is no longer needed. It doesn’t mean one will become a slave of God without having the ability to choose freely. It means becoming one with Him, still being able to choose freely, but choosing and acting within the scope of love.

If it would have been possible to still choose or act outside the scope of love (= to use free will) once one becomes a celestial angel, the story of 'Satan' (or 'Lucifer') would have been right or at least possible or plausible. But the reason why we have said (so many times before) it is not possible at all, is because of this truth about free will.

Once one enters the celestial spheres, the body and mind are no longer essential to one’s existence and totally subordinate to one’s soul; which still possesses the gift of the will: the ability to act, think, behave and choose according to the laws of love. 

As to what happens to a man when he dies and becomes his spirit, so will it also happen to the spirit who dies (a figurative spirit death) and becomes his soul. This is what the seventh sphere is for (or prepares us for): to pass on the principle of identification from the spirit to the soul; just as when the physical body dies, the principle of identification is passed on from the physical to the spirit. Hence, the last stage of the new birth - which was started by opening up the soul to receive its first speck of Divine Love - is now finalizing; and the soul is ready to enter the spheres of the soul or as most call them: the celestial spheres.

And so the speculations of some of the spirits in the sixth sphere that maybe one day the spirit body may also not exist - as the physical body once stopped to exist (for them) - are true. For only the soul has any significance in the life eternal; all the rest will only be remembered as a vague illusion of what once was.

I am glad we had this opportunity to share our knowledge with you again. Thank you for your time and effort in all of this. God bless you my friend. Have a nice and loving holiday season and enjoy your time on this earth. John.

dinsdag 16 december 2014

December 10th, 2014.


Received by WV. 

(Hello John. I can feel your presence. Can you please elaborate on the message of sins as asked on the DLS forum?)

Of course, my dear friend, it is always my pleasure to enlighten my brothers and sisters in the flesh.

I will start off with saying that only seldom a child will be born free from flaws but that all souls incarnate in their pristine flaw free condition. 

The process of the human birth is not understood completely by many so they conclude what they are capable of understanding with their minds. To help with this, I want to explain to you something very vital. As we all know, there is the need for a sperm and an egg to start the creation of the human body and, at a particular moment in the whole process, the soul will take possession of that body. Well, what most people do not understand is the soul does not take its place in the physical body. It will nest itself into the spirit body, which is a very important difference. 

If you examine this statement closely, you will come to understand the soul cannot control the physical body in a direct way, only in an indirect way; through the spirit body, because it is the spirit (body) that controls the physical (body). But I will come back to this principle later.

Well then, when the soul has not yet nested itself in the spirit body, it is in its pristine state with nothing surrounding it to block out the energy it needs to live its life to its full potential. It is only as soon as it nests itself in its spirit body that the process of inheriting the flaws of its ancestors begins. The moment the soul incarnates, it becomes veiled by the spirit body, which in turn becomes susceptible to its surrounding energies and makes a connection (the silver chord) with its physical body. 

Since the new life form stays closest to its mother’s energy, the mother will be the first to pass on her energy patterns; created by herself (her own mind) or adopted from her parents. However, if you contemplate this, you will understand her parents were also influenced by their own minds and parents and their parents also; and so on. Consequently you can see the flawed energy/mind patterns are copied, depending on their dominance and persistence, from generation to generation. Some minor adopted flaws will vanish quickly as the child gains its own life experiences. Some other (more severe flaws) will survive very long and will be passed on to their own offspring. It will all depend on the use of their own free will which ones will survive, vanish or be added. And that is how the process of the inheritance of the flaws of the parents works.

However, it is not only the surviving energy patterns from our grandparents (within our own parents) that influence us (indirectly), it is also the patterns from our (still living) grandparents (or great-grandparents) that influence us (directly). For when we are born, most of our grandparents are still alive and very present in our everyday lives. Therefore coming into direct contact with their patterns or flaws will only enforce the ones we already adopted (or are adopting) from our own parents. (And this is of course also the case if our great-grandparents are still alive.) Naturally, the frequency of coming into contact with them plays an important role in the influence they will have. This too is the reason why the energies of siblings, friends, teachers, leaders, etc. can influence our own energies, minds, patterns or flaws. It just depends on the frequency of the contact and the ability of staying true to oneself: whether the connection with one’s soul is still in good condition or whether the veil of the spirit is blocking it. It is also the reason why it is so important to choose your company wisely.

Why we prefer to talk about flaws, instead of sins, is because there are far more energy patterns (that cannot be classified as sins) that block the flow of love. To give you one important example: thinking one is not worthy (of love). This can and will block the soul to receive a (big) portion of love. But what you also have to understand is; that, because of such thinking, the influence of the soul becomes less outspoken and more difficult, which in turn will make it more difficult to live according to the laws of love. So, flaws like that, which have nothing to do with sin, can have a big impact on the condition of the soul and even create an environment where sins thrive because the influence of the soul diminishes.

So, as you can derive from what I have said, the integration of the flaws of previous generations is not a static or instant process where the soul receives a bunch of ‘sins’ the moment it incarnates, it is a dynamic process where self-created energies play an active role in blocking the flow of love to and from the soul. The soul has no part in this whole process because its sole purpose is to love; to give love and to receive love; and it cannot do anything out of tune with the laws of love. 

That is why God created the physical realm and the intermediary realm, better known as the spirit realm. And it is this whole system - Father created - that makes it possible for us to enjoy total freedom in the use of our free will: to some a blessing, to some a curse. This system allows us to identify ourselves with our human bodies and with our minds without being under direct control of our souls: the experience of unlimited freedom, not being dependent on the existence of a greater Source - thus, the experience of being God.

(So, do I understand you correctly? Are you saying free will does not reside in the soul?)

Indeed, my friend. Free will - the ability to choose to live according to the laws of love or not - does not reside in the soul, as the soul does not have the capabilities to do anything not in tune with the laws of love. Free will resides in the mind; as well in the physical as in the spirit. It is a concept based on the principle of choice, which does reside in the soul. However, it adds the dimension of being able to make choices outside the scope of love and that is why it cannot be part of the soul. So by choosing the Divine Love path, you use your free will to state that love is the only choice you ever want (and need) the rest of your (eternal) life - that you do not want to live outside the scope of love - and that you are therefore willing to put everything else, even your mind, in second place.

We can conclude our wonderful talk here for I see we covered everything I wanted to talk to you about. Stay safe and centered in the love and don’t let your mind take control of your life; let your soul guide you. For, when it comes to matters of the soul, the mind is not the right source to explain them (because of its subjectiveness). And when it comes to the matters of the mind, there is no better (objective) source than the soul to explain them.

Your friend forever. John.

vrijdag 5 december 2014

November 28th, 2014


Received by WV.

Hello again my friend.

I am glad you are feeling better and you are keeping up with doing your new daily meditation as we instructed you. Yes you are right about what you received during your meditation on ‘The reason why Jesus needed to be free from sin.’

Now, let’s first clarify what sin is. Sin is only a word to indicate that certain actions or thoughts are not in tune with your soul knowledge - with the laws of Love. I know people tend to put a lot of negative energy on the meaning of the word, but they shouldn’t. Sins can only be manifested or created by the mind and have nothing to do with the soul. The soul - as an image of the father - is not capable of creating anything out of tune with the laws of Love. Sins are nothing more than ‘mind flaws’ that exist in different levels. They are portrayed in everyday life in the way we think, speak and act.

Now, why did Jesus have to be free from these mind flaws? Because as you have experienced yourself, even if someone has received a big amount of Divine Love in their soul, the mind keeps on existing. And although the Divine Love will silence the mind for a while - depending upon the amount of love you receive - the mind will come to the forefront again. That is why we need to pray as much as we can, as frequently as we can, so the Love will silence the mind and eradicate all flaws from it.

So, the reason Jesus had to be free from sin is because he needed a mind that wouldn’t interfere with his soul longings. If his mind would have contained these kind of flaws they would have interfered with his calling and it would have made his mission far more complicated; which was not Father’s intention. Jesus had to have the same opportunity as Aman and Amon, equal in its context. So you see he was ‘mind flaw free’ because it was a prerequisite to his calling, not because he was special. And when people compare themselves with him, they are doing something impossible, because 99% of all people living on earth will be soaked in the flaws of their parents, siblings, teachers, leaders, cultures, etc.

That is also the reason why you aren’t flaw free; but you don’t need to be. In fact, it is a ‘good’ thing because it will help you with your own calling. It will help you to understand what people are going through. It will help you explain these processes to them because you will receive the insight firsthand from the processes you have to go through yourself.

Most people do not want to look at their own flaws. They think they need to be perfect examples of the Love; that Divine Love does not leave room for flaws once they received a portion of it. Well, they are flawed! [Laughs] Because flaws will exist until people reach the level of flawlessness. And it is the recognition (not the denial) of one’s own flaws that will lead to their eradication; whether the eradication comes through the use of the natural love or the Divine Love is of no importance - although we Divine Love connoisseurs know which path will be swifter.

I think this is a good place to stop and I am glad we had this talk because you portrayed the context of what I wanted to explain very well.

Thank you for being such a good friend. (John)